Hence, during the month of May I will be hanging my images. Yeah!!! I'm always excited (and nervous) to showcase my work. I've been a framing monster for the last two days. "The Great Frame Up" has always been the place I like to go... best prices, best selection and best employees who are helpful and friendly.
I'm hoping that everyone who sees it enjoys it. Here's the information so you can take a look for yourself...

"It's not what you look at that matters; it's what you see." - Thoreau
Sunday, May 2 (runs through the month of May)
Images located upstairs in room next to sanctuary
Images include:
- Tuba players in an Easter procession in Antigua, Guatemala
- Light and shadows down a long hallway in Paris
- An archway with aging details in an old convent in Oaxaca
- Reflecting sunlight on a ceiling at the Louvre
- A golden church dome that seems to rain down glory
1925 W. Thome Ave.
Best day for easy access to view images is Sunday
Interest in purchasing images or photography services, please call me at 312.388.8631