Tuesday, March 2, 2010


March Madness of another sort... for photographers... it's WPPI's Annual Conference in Las Vegas, baby. In case you don't know, WPPI is an international wedding and portrait association for professional photographers. They publish a couple of trade magazine which are great to get to keep up on the latest trends and products in the business. I usually devour them within a couple hours of them arriving in my mailbox. (Then as the copies accumulate over the months, I send them over Lane Tech for their students.)

The annual conference they produce is HUGE. Probably about 15,000 photographers from around the world attend. Besides having all the top shooters from around the world leading anything from a 2-hour workshop to a 2-day school, the tradeshow blows my mind. Sooooooo many vendors offering e v e r y t h i n g you could possibly think of from camera equipment to albums and specialized products. Whew! Wears me out just thinking about it. Sessions all day, squeezing tradeshow time in between and evening/night events going until 11pm. I'm already tired and I don't get there until Sunday.

So looking forward to it. Getting to be the student, taking in as much as I can, connecting with fellow photogs from all around. A Cirque show. Perhaps a little blackjack. Any bets, anyone? It's gonna be good.