Ya know what's fun... when ol' friends call you to say that they are getting married. And that you are the only person they could possibly even consider to photograph it for them. How awesome is that?
I've known Sarah for as long as I've been doing photography... because I've also been working at Starbucks for as long as I've been doing photography and she was one of my customers. She was teaching dance at Joel Hall across the street from my Starbucks in Andersonville. Venti coffee. Venti coffee. Venti coffee. Yep, that was her drink, venti coffee.
Then she moved to another part of the city and we hadn't spoken in a while. Next thing you know, I'm meeting her at another Starbucks so we can discuss her wedding plans. I could hardly wait to meet this guy that had captured her heart. And I was looking forward to meeting her family and friends that would help me know her better.
At the reception as I met people, they asked me how it was I was there. I said I was friends with Sarah. And I in turn would ask them. All of TK's friends said they same thing... what a really really awesome guy he was... kind and sincere AND crazy about Sarah. His sister said that the first time he met Sarah, she "knew" because of how TK looked at her.
Isn't that cool? I love hearing those stories. I mean usually, brides gush pretty easily when they are talking about their grooms. And grooms show some emotion but usually, try to be pretty stoic about it.
But this is when I like to start asking questions about his bride, how they met, how he's feeling, how beautiful does she look today. AND then, he can't help himself... he's going to 'gush' even if it's for just a moment... that look on his face says what words cannot express that is just for her.
That's just one of my favorite things about photographing weddings... that soft spot in his heart that he holds for his bride. Gets me every time and to tell you the truth, I think it's a good thing to be gotten by.
So to TK and Sarah, I wish them "Happily Ever After!" It really meant a lot to me to be there. THANKS!!!