natalie photo
Thursday, May 16, 2013
Spending a little time at the Lake... Sherwood...
Tuesday, October 16, 2012
Sunday, October 14, 2012
Tuesday, May 31, 2011
Who doesn't want to find that special someone and spend the rest of their lives together? It is what makes us alike, related... the desire to connect with someone, to build a life together, to be able to live that love out-loud and not in secrecy and shame.
10 a.m., Thursday, June 2 - City of Chicago's Celebration of Civil Unions - Wrigley Square in Millennium Park
5 p.m., Friday, June 3 - Unite with Pride: A Community Celebration - Uihlein Plaza @ Chicago History Museum (
For more information about Illnois' legalizing of Civil Unions, please visit
Monday, July 5, 2010

Time to do a little photography education... There's no need to be scared of your camera... I'll show you how to use it and make it easy and give you some tips on getting great pics. You know you need it... two hours of your life and you'll walk away all excited and ready to go. Give me a call and we'll sign you up and get you going. I'm ready to teach the masses!!!
Want to take better images of your children?
for birthdays, vacations?
at family gatherings, school events?
DO IT NOW! Don’t wait for ‘some day.’ DO IT NOW!
It will make a difference in the memories you capture.
Hey Mom, It’s ok if you can’t come; send Dad instead!
· Basic photography concepts including when to use and not use flash
· All the buttons on your camera – what do they do AND how they can help you
· Practice shooting what you’ve just learned so you really understand and know what to do
· Have your images critiqued – right then and there, what you’re doing right and key pointers to improve
9-11 A.M.
Saturday, July 24, 2010
Winnemac Park @ Daman & Winona
(behind Amundsen High School)
Space is limited. No more than 10 in a class.
Must bring your own camera and camera instruction manual!
ONLY $29
Guarantee better images of your children to cherish a lifetime!
It’s not what you look at that matters, it’s what you see. - Henry David Thoreau
natalie marionneaux
Wednesday, April 28, 2010

Hence, during the month of May I will be hanging my images. Yeah!!! I'm always excited (and nervous) to showcase my work. I've been a framing monster for the last two days. "The Great Frame Up" has always been the place I like to go... best prices, best selection and best employees who are helpful and friendly.
I'm hoping that everyone who sees it enjoys it. Here's the information so you can take a look for yourself...

"It's not what you look at that matters; it's what you see." - Thoreau
Sunday, May 2 (runs through the month of May)
Images located upstairs in room next to sanctuary
Images include:
- Tuba players in an Easter procession in Antigua, Guatemala
- Light and shadows down a long hallway in Paris
- An archway with aging details in an old convent in Oaxaca
- Reflecting sunlight on a ceiling at the Louvre
- A golden church dome that seems to rain down glory
1925 W. Thome Ave.
Best day for easy access to view images is Sunday
Interest in purchasing images or photography services, please call me at 312.388.8631
Tuesday, April 6, 2010
And with spring's arrival, so begins the wedding season... full steam ahead. There are a whole lot of love stories to capture and tell. Family and friends celebrating. I can't begin to count how many times I've said I'm so lucky to do what I do... to photograph the love story between two people. And then inevitably, a cynic in the crowd asks, do you really like photographing weddings?
Well, to answer that question... I'm sure each and every one of us wedding photographers must be hopeless romantics. Call it corny or whatever else you want but we love a good love story. And we believe in them. I mean if you can't believe in love, then what can you believe in... that the Cubs will win the World Series?
We celebrate love. If all of us thought about whether (when) a couple might not be together in the future, then why bother getting up in the morning? I mean if people don't believe in the concept of marriage, that's one thing. But I challenge you to not believe in love. We see it time and time again. And it doesn't grow tiresome. It makes us happy. It fills us with hope.
What makes you happy? What makes you smile? Hope springs eternal. Welcome springtime... it's time to celebrate!
Tuesday, March 2, 2010

The annual conference they produce is HUGE. Probably about 15,000 photographers from around the world attend. Besides having all the top shooters from around the world leading anything from a 2-hour workshop to a 2-day school, the tradeshow blows my mind. Sooooooo many vendors offering e v e r y t h i n g you could possibly think of from camera equipment to albums and specialized products. Whew! Wears me out just thinking about it. Sessions all day, squeezing tradeshow time in between and evening/night events going until 11pm. I'm already tired and I don't get there until Sunday.
So looking forward to it. Getting to be the student, taking in as much as I can, connecting with fellow photogs from all around. A Cirque show. Perhaps a little blackjack. Any bets, anyone? It's gonna be good.
Friday, January 8, 2010
It was a busy holiday season... moonlighting at my other job - Starbucks (in Andersonville). I've been there for as long as I've been doing photography. I actually consider it social time because I've gotten to know so many of the customers. I worked Christmas Eve and Christmas Day, New Year's Eve and New Year's Day. But it was fun too seeing so many people, enjoying the season.
Now with January, brides begin their planning with vim and vigor. And busy it has been and more busy it will become. But that's a good thing adn I'm looking forward to one hellava busy wedding season with crazy in-love brides and grooms tying the knot and living 'happily ever after.' I know, right, it's a tough job and I love it.
So HAPPY HAPPY! Bring on the loving couples, the dancing, celebrating and gift giving. Yippee!
Tuesday, December 8, 2009

My brother-in-law was raised on a farm in northern Louisiana. As an adult, he worked for New York Life for almost 40 years before the cancer made him go on disability last year. He is one of the most stand-up men I have ever met. Straight shooter through and through.
He recently had surgery to 'debulk' the tumor but they couldn't get all of it because it has 'fingers'. Now he'll spend some time at a rehab facility. And a new treatment is supposed to cut off blood flow to the remainder of the tumor.
Strong will, fighter that he is, it does become very tiresome for my sister. But she's been there with him all along. One night while I was staying at their house, I heard them laughing and teasing like to youngsters in love... made me smile... seeing how they still love each other like crazy almost 40 years later. Ain't love grand?